• Pupils are reminded too address their teachers and all members of the staff, teaching and non-teaching with due respect and politeness. On their way to and from school, they are expected to behave in a gentle manner with due honour to the name of the School.
  • Girls who have been absent from class must have the reason for their absence briefly noted in their “Regulatory Record”. Reasons of a private nature may be intimated by a letter. Birthdays, excursions, urgent business are not sufficient reasons. Absence from school in order to study is not allowed. No leave of absence is given without a prior application in writing from the guardian.
  • Girls must be punctual for class. To be admitted to the classroom, those who have been absent and late comers must show their Teacher their “Regulatory Record”.
  • No girl is allowed to leave the School premises during class hours. In case of urgent need, the father/mother may request the Principal to take their ward home.
  • Tiffin is o be sent with the students as they come to school.
  • No books, periodicals or newspaper of an objectionable nature shall be brought into the school. No one should bring mobile phones to the school.
  • Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. Each article should be marked with Pupil’s name.
  • Any damage done to the school property should be made good by the pupil concerned.
  • Parents and guardians are not allowed to see their children or interview teachers during school hours.
  • No fines or any kind of collections for any purpose whatsoever may be made without the Principal’s previous sanction and due notice to parents.
  • Every girl attending school is obliged to take part in the choral singing, drill, games, and all the School activities.
  • If a pupil fails to reach regularly the minimum marks for a pass in all subjects, any concession that she may enjoy is cancelled.
  • In all questions of promotion or failure the Principal’s decision is final.

Code of Conduct for students at a glance

  • Students should always be friendly with others in and out of school.
  • There should be no vulgarity in their talk and behavior.
  • They should accept any work is assigned to them as their rightful share.
  • They should always be ready to lend a helping hand
  • They should be honest and never cheat or be unfair during tests, exams and while playing.
  • They should stand when any teacher or visitor comes to speak to them.
  • They should never bully anyone and report such incidence to teachers.
  • They should respect the liberty and rights of others.
  • They should not discriminate their peers or teachers irrespective of their caste, colour and creed.
  • They should take pride in wearing their school uniform.
  • They should respect the Constitution, the National Flag, the National Anthem and any national code of conduct.